
(Photos on this blog are my original photos, with many that I personally uploaded on Pinterest. Depending on the speed of your device, it may take a few seconds for all photos to load. Thanks for visiting!)

Kindergarteners In Training (K.I.T.) Preschool by City of Arroyo Grande Review

April 18, 2021

Update: The Kindergarten in Training Program that I blogged about below is no longer active. The City of Arroyo Grande has discontinued the program. However, you're welcome to continue and still read about our experience. 

It was two years ago when my older son was in the Kindergarten in Training program, K.I.T. for short, that's run by the City of Arroyo Grande but I hadn't had the chance to write a review here about my thoughts of the program until now. More things in San Luis Obispo County are starting to open up, including preschools, so I thought it would be helpful for other parents out there if they are looking for a review on preschools.
 Elm Street Park
When I had enrolled my son in the K.I.T. program, he was turning 5 years old and we had just moved here from the East Coast. I was hunting around for a preschool program for a few hours a day for a few days a week and found this program by the City of Arroyo Grande. It's an afternoon program for Mondays, Wednesdays & Friday from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and it was exactly what I was looking for.

We went on a tour to make sure he liked it and I enrolled him in February. I think because he was starting after Spring semester had already started, there were hurdles already lined up for him. Not only had we just moved here from the East Coast just a month before, he was also the "new kid" for the program. Whereas, maybe some of the kids in the class have been friends from the semester(s) before, he was the stranger there in more ways than one. However, I knew that keeping him at home would cause him to feel more alienated and may cause him to have a harder time to adjust to kindergarten the following semester after that. I had to brave it, and so did he. Well, on the first day, he did great! Then, the second day, not so great. There were tears, probably from feeling like an outsider while some kids group up during play time. 

In all honesty, if it were me, I would have a hard time even if I try to not show it. Cliques start so early and being that new kid in a classroom full of unfamiliar kids who are not starting on the same foot, is scary. Although there were many bad days, to the point where I feel like they rather not have my kid there because he was crying so much, we made it to the end and he went to his K.I.T graduation! It was a lesson to learn but I was so proud of him. And now, two years later as a first grader, he doesn't remember ever going to the K.I.T. program by the City of Arroyo Grande so that confirms to me that it didn't traumatize him going there as the new kid from a different coast. Furthermore, he passed everything during his tests at kindergarten round-up, something that many school districts in SLO county have for incoming kindergarteners to test their academic level, and I attribute a lot of it to us having him go to the K.I.T. program there.

If you're interested in the City of Arroyo Grande's K.I.T. program, I'd recommend it, even if my son didn't have a perfect time. Academic-wise, he had something to show for it. 

Read my other preschool reviews for San Luis Obispo County.

Not ready for your little one go to preschool? See a list of Mommy and Me type programs in San Luis Obispo County.

In the past, the City of Arroyo Grande had planned Kids Night Out in this very same building at Elm Street Park and my kids really had a great time. See a list of Kids Night Out or Parents Night Out options in San Luis Obispo County, where you drop off the kids for a few hours and pick them up later.


Making Homemade Granola with Instant Oatmeal Packets

April 12, 2021
I've been in a granola mood today and thought to myself, I've never made my own granola before. I don't have any plain oats at home, just the instant oatmeal packets so I started digging online to see if there are recipes that used instant oatmeal packets. After comparing a few recipes, I decided to concoct my own using the ingredients I already have on hand. I made a small batch and here's how it turned out!

homemade granola using instant oatmeal packets(My finished granola using apple & cinnamon instant oatmeal packets, flax seeds, table syrup, olive oil and solar-dried banana)

They turned out excellent and I'm so happy! It was crunchy, sweet but not overly, and flavorful! Here's my ingredients list and instructions below. I only used 5 different ingredients for my granola!

Ingredients list:
First, I mixed the oatmeal packets, flax seeds, olive oil and table syrup (or maple syrup) in a mixing bowl while I was preheating the oven to 350 degrees. Using a sheet of aluminum foil, I covered a cookie sheet pan and then sprayed a bit of olive oil cooking spray (any typing of oil cooking spray will do) over the aluminum foil. Then, I spread my mix evenly onto the foil that is on the pan.
granola using instant oatmeal recipe
When the oven reached 350 degrees, I put it in the oven. While baking, I cut up my solar-dried bananas in tiny pieces. After about 9 minutes, I stirred the granola a bit and returned it to the oven. To prevent it from burning, I turned the oven off but let the pan still just sit in there for another 3 minutes. Therefore, the total time that the pan was in the oven was 12 minutes. Then, I took it out and spread my cut up solar-dried banana pieces all over the granola mix. I kind of used my spoon to pushed it in a bit. My finished granola tastes amazing. I'm letting the granola sit out for while so it hardens enough before storing them.

For my first try, my homemade granola tasted even better than I expected. Like honestly, it might be my favorite granola ever! The sweetness of the apple and the spiciness of the cinnamon from my instant oatmeal flavor were so perfect with my solar-dried bananas. I can't wait to try out new ingredients for my next try. 

Suggested Kitchen Supplies:

Read about a gluten-free and vegan sugar cookies recipe that I we used for Christmas.

Whole Chicken in Crock Pot for Easter Day

April 4, 2021
 (We made these colored eggs with emoji stickers that came in our Easter egg coloring kit.)

Instead of ham this Easter, I am cooking a whole chicken in a crock pot today. I've done it before in the past and am not sure why I haven't cook my chicken this way more often. I think it's because it takes a long time and requires a bit of planning. 

For the whole chicken, I am seasoning with fresh garlic, 2 lemons, dried oregano, salt and pepper. I crushed a whole garlic and halved every clove. For my lemon, I cut 1 in half and another one in quarters. After cleaning my chicken and slicing to the bone around the drumsticks, I season my chicken with 1 teaspoon of dried oregano, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/3 teaspoon of pepper. Then, I browned the chicken in 1.5 tablespoon of olive oil, 2 halves of lemon and my garlic. After that, I transferred my chicken into the crock pot and used add 1 teaspoon of chicken bouillon, 1/4 cup of water, squeezed the wedges of lemon from the other lemon I sliced and mix them while the pan is still in medium heat. Then, I transfer all that yummy liquid, the halves of lemon, to the crock pot and drizzle it all over the chicken. Now, I'm setting the timer for 3.5 hours on high heat. I have a pretty hot crock pot. I always find that I always need to cook less time than recipes I've found online by a half hour or hour, depending on the setting or else my meat gets too dry. My chicken is about 5 pounds. I got it for a really good deal at Aldi for $4.80!

Whole Chicken Crock Pot Ingredients List:
  • 4 - 5 lb chicken
  • 1.5 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 whole garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of dried oregano
  • .5 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/3 teaspoon of pepper
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 1 teaspoon of chicken bullion granules
Now, during the first hour, you may be tempted to add more liquids but don't! Within the second hour, you'll see the juices from the chicken come out as you know many of the chickens in the market nowadays have added water too.

I'm going to be serving this chicken with a side of steamed asparagus and whole boiled sweet potatoes. It's going to be healthy and hearty.

Happy Easter, everyone.

See family-friendly things to do in San Luis Obispo County.

Madonna Inn Room Review: The San Francisco Room

February 24, 2021
Earlier this month, my family decided to celebrate our son's birthday by planning a surprise staycation at the Madonna Inn! Madonna Inn is a famous California boutique motel property where every room has a different theme, meaning no two rooms are alike! 

Now that the stay-at-home order has been lifted and back to a tier level, we felt that our son deserved something extra special. He missed traveling like we used to do when things were more normal and had always enjoyed staying at hotels so when Madonna Inn was advertising their weekday specials, we took advantage of it! We stayed at the San Francisco Room. The walls and ceilings were burgundy! Not pictured here were also 2 twin-sized beds that were perfect for my sons. Those were closer to the bathrooms. Therefore, there were 3 beds inside of the San Francisco Room.
Madonna Inn San Francisco Room
We checked-in on a Sunday because it was my son's actual birthday and coincidentally, he had a school day off the following day because his school was closed for Lincoln's Birthday! We're grateful for the good timing. We also took advantage of their pool area as well! Even though it was a bit windy, the hot spa kept us comfortable.
pool at Madonna Inn
Walking towards the pool's pathway, we got to take a nice stroll around and see more of Madonna Inn's beautiful architecture. 
Madonna Inn architecture
As a guest here, parking at the hotel was free, which is so nice. Many cities don't have the luxury of not charging hotel guests for parking. There are so many perks for living here in SLO county; and for travelers as well.

We also ordered from the Copper Cafe, Madonna's Inn famous Cafe and Bakery, twice during our stay. Since it was such a short walk within the property, we would just order ahead on the phone for take out and then walk there to pick it up. We mentioned that it's my son's birthday night so they gave us a free dessert. My son loves chocolate so we went with the Black Forest slice of cake. It was delicious and definitely big enough to share! We blew candles earlier that morning from a whole cake so I think he was just caked out. He had a few bites and was done so my husband and I devoured the rest! 
Free birthday slice from Madonna Inn for birthday\Black Forest cake from Madonna Inn
We were being rebels and ate dinner on the bed of the San Francisco Room as a family. My husband also stopped by the cellar that was downstairs from Madonna Inn's restaurants to pick up a bottle of Madonna Inn wine for our dinner as well. I really love their logo.
 Madonna Inn wine

The next morning, we ordered breakfast to-go from the Copper Cafe and ate on the bed again. Their breakfast portions were huge, even the kid's portion! Then, we checked out and upon check out, they let us pick a postcard to keep for free. Of course, we picked the San Francisco Room postcard for keepsake.

This is one of two staycations that I enjoyed at the Madonna Inn. Read about my staycation experience for a different room: Room 111 Antique Cars at the Madonna Inn.

To see other pictures of restaurants that I've visited in San Luis Obispo County, go to the Restaurants Page.

Read About All of Our Travel Adventures and Reviews:


Dutch Bros Review in Arroyo Grande

February 24, 2021
Located on the same side of the Starbucks on Grand Ave., Dutch Bros is a refreshing alternative for getting coffee. The high-spirited staff will get you excited as you're greeted for ordering coffee with their mobile device! 
picture of Dutch Bros coffee from Arroyo Grande
The lines can get long but there were two lanes when I arrived yesterday in the drive-thru. There were four ladies walking around getting orders so it made the process of ordering so efficient and fast. If you don't know what you're going to order when one of them gets to your vehicle, they will definitely help you. The coffee cup pictured on the left is called the 911 and it has 6 shots of espresso so if you have a weak heart, please beware! For those who need this high caffeinated drink, it is a dream!
Dutch Bros Arroyo Grande SLO
Even before I made it to the window, my drinks were ready and someone walked to my vehicle and handed them to me. This is probably because it's their opening week and the place was fully staffed. I was so impressed with their energy and customer service throughout the whole experience. They have a rewards program you can join with their app. They give my husband a free welcome drink when he downloaded the app, but I'm not sure if they will always offer that. Address of Dutch Bros. in Arroyo Grande: 1259 E Grand Ave Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Dutch Bros can also whip up a simple latte if their featured suggested drinks are not your thing. I've ordered a hazelnut latte here before and it was the best hazelnut latte I've had in all of 5 Cities. There are so many coffee shops in 5 Cities. Arroyo Grand is part of 5 Cities in San Luis Obispo County. See all of the coffee shops that I've visited in the Five Cities and SLO Area with beautiful coffee or latte art.


About Me

San Luis Obispo Mom Originally from San Diego, California, I'm a San Diego State University alumna, veteran's wife and mom of two kids who were born two years apart. After living on the East Coast for 6 years, we now reside in San Luis Obispo County and here, the exploration continues. In between work and momming it, I like to exercise.
Intellifluence Trusted Blogger

All photos (except for ads) on including: homepage, 'Family-Friendly Things to do' page, 'SLO Restaurants' page,'Mom Groups & Childcare' page, and 'blog' page were taken by me so they are my original content and belong to this blog/website.

To find family-friendly activities in the SLO area, go to the 'Family-Friendly Things To Do' page.

Some of the links are just useful local information that I'm sharing for free and some are commission-based products that may help me earn a small commission for each sale to upkeep with the fees of running this local blog.

Are you planning on relocating to San Luis Obispo County from a different place?

Suggested Supplies for Your Big Move