Pros and Cons for Going To a Mother and Son Dance
Posted by San Luis Obispo Mom on Saturday, May 14, 2022 Under: Mom Life

I've been to three Mother & Son Dances so far: one on the East Coast and two on the West Coast.
Below is a table on Pros and Cons on Going to a Mother and Son Dance based on my personal experiences and feelings, and I hope this will help you if you're on the fence about going to one.
Pros |
Cons |
My Experience at Mother Son Dances
I think I enjoyed my very first one the most because it was my first Mother & Son experience, food was ready right when the event started and there were a lot of activities for the kids. It felt like a party.
Even though I enjoyed my first one the best, I still appreciate it when organizations plan a Mother & Son event. From what I've seen in many cities, there are way more Father & Daughter Dances than Mother & Son Dances so even if you only have one Mother & Son Dance in your city, I consider you pretty lucky! Furthermore, any public event requires months of planning, effort, time and money so if I'm attending as a guest, I have the easier tasks. I buy the tickets, dress nicely, drive there, find a parking spot and show up with my sons. For the organizers, it takes a lot of hard work and organization so I appreciate it when a Mother & Son event is offered!

Judging by my word count between the Pros and Cons columns above, you may think that I'm leaning towards not going next year, which at the time that I am writing this post, I'm gearing towards not attending again. I've went to the Mother & Son Dance with both of my sons and created great memories from them but unless it's going to be extraordinarily different, like a video gaming type event for the next Mother & Son event, I think I'll figure out a Mother & Son thing to do on my own.
Most Mother & Son Dances take place in May, close to Mother's Day. See Upcoming Family-Friendly Events in San Luis Obispo County to see the next upcoming Mother and Son Dance for this year.
Here is a video clip of a past Mother & Son events on the Central Coast at Grover Beach Community Center.
There may come a time when your sons may not be interested in going to these dances with you as they grow up, especially when they'll have dances of their own in high school so enjoy it when they're little and still eager to go!
Have a great Mother's Day!
See the 'Family-friendly Events' page to see upcoming family-friendly events and activities in San Luis Obispo County.
In : Mom Life
Tags: mother & son dance san luis obispo mother and son dance pros and cons should i go to a mother son dance mother son dance grover beach slo